Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Yanucz Korzcak Conference in the North

I had a very unique experience and was away at a conference for four days, it was truly amazing.
You can read about it here and also see some of the lovely music that was included on a daily basis. It was a great experience and people were touched by Globaldreamers and our influence around the world and especially by the Holocaust unit in memory of my Mom, Sonia Frenkel God rest her soul. The spirit of Korczak has given me a lot and inspired me as you can see through the different workshops that I attended.
I have added materials about Gilad Schalit, the Israeli soldier who has been held captive for more than two years now. When he was in the 5th grade he wrote a story called When the Shark and the Fish Met for the first time. It is heartwarming, there is a letter from the family, and a coloring book for illustrations in many languages including English, Russian, Arabic and French. There is also a movie from youtube with the story with kids reading from Brooklyn, New York, USA.
If any of you make a booklet of drawings and send them to Lee Rimon the artist who created the project, she will add them to their wandering gallery that is being seen all over Israel. We are all praying Gilad will return home safely.
Indeed it touched my heart to see his Mother at the workshop.
We are also continuing our road safety project and have a look it is awesome . YOu are still invited to help us in our quest for international road safety and less accidents.
The fall project is still available and we thank everyone for the great contributions.
I am wishing you all a wonderful weekend and keep in touch.
Marsha Goren
Come and dream with us soon.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall news on Globaldreamers

Dear Friends,
My very best to all of you and warm thanks to the many educators who have been sending fantastic materials to us for the fall project and our road safety project which now includes 18 educators from around the world. The road safety is on going and any contributions will be welcomed and appreciated.
We are also accepting fall materials until the end of November where we will begin our yearly holiday project.
Tomorrow I am going to the north of Israel to participate in the Januz Korczak International conference and many educators from around the world will be coming. I will be presenting our Holocaust unit. I am representing the central district of Israel and Ein Ganim School. I am honored and excited and will document this event. You can look at the conference details on the link here.
Hoping to hear from all of you and wishing you all a wonderful year full of collaborations, dreams and friendship.
Marsha Goren
Dream coordinator